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Calculate the time-bandwidth product of an ultrashort optical pulse.
Calculate the peak power and pulse energy of an optical pulse train.
Convert decibels to percentages and back.
Calculate signal power or pulse energy after gain or loss.
Convert wavelength bandwidth to frequency bandwidth.
Calculate the spot size of a focused Gaussian laser beam.
Calculate the radiance of a laser beam in a multi-mode or double-clad fiber.
Calculate the second and third order dispersion of a grating pair.
Calculate the angular resolution of a diffraction-limited imaging system.
Calculate the free spectral range of an optical resonator.
Calculate the beat length of polarization maintaining optical fiber.
Calculate the V parameter and cutoff wavelength of an optical fiber.
Calculate the mode field diameter (MFD) of the fundamental fiber mode.
Calculate the transform-limited duration of an ultrashort optical pulse.
Calculate the round trip time and repetition rate of a pulsed laser.
Calculate the energy of a photon from its wavelength, frequency or wavenumber.
Estimate the splice loss between two single mode fibers.
Calculate the resistance of an NTC thermistor.
Calculate the transmission and reflectance at an interface.
Calculate the wavelength and frequency of a photon.
Convert between signal power and voltage in dBm, W and V.
Calculate the transmission of a Gaussian beam through a circular aperture.
Calculate heat sinking required for a thermal load.
Calculate the thermal resistance of a layer of thermal interface material.